Don’t Worry Be You is a European project of Erasmus+ that seeks to foster youth and community wellbeing, to empower young people to work on their own well-being, in community with other young people.
SH!FT is a partner of the Gateway Zimbabwe program. In 2019, we facilitated a local process of reconstructing relations in a country re-inventing itself economically, socially and environmentally.
Gateway Zimbabwe is a project developed by a group of NGOs including the Kufunda Learning Village and Trust Africa; these three NGOs joined forces around the transition from a non-democratic government into the new Zimbabwe. The Gateway program consists of a fellowship program gathering over 50 leaders from various parts of the country and areas of work to set in motion/stimulate/kindle a new vision for the country and be equipped to realize it in collaboration with its citizens.
In 2019 we hosted two programs using the Go Deep Game and other facilitation tools.The first kick off Go Deep program took place in Epworth, Harare, gathering key-community leaders, the facilitation team of the Kufunda village and local villagers.
With that team we were invited to co-host another training in Chicunga in the fall of 2019. Leaders from 6 regions, including Epworth, gathered for a Go Deep learning experience to empower and replicate work towards a new Zimbabwe in their own region.
The Go Deep program is one of the various parallel strategies to give shape to the citizen manifesto created with members of the Gateway partnership.
SH!FT Foundation
Postbus 9156
1180 MD Amstelveen
The Netherlands
Meet us on appointment at:
Impact HUB Amsterdam
Linnaeusstraat 2C
1092 CK Amsterdam