4 ways to deal with conflicts differently – healing history in action #2 to #5

In our SH!FT medium-page we wrote 5 blogs on healing history about navigating uncertain times and the importance of finding other ways to deal with our conflicts. The basis of our insights and perspectives on healing histories was based on this quote by Gary Reiss;

“We’re hesitant to enter into conflicts as we learned over life that fire can burn. Yet the fire of polarization and conflict in itself are not the problem, lack of facilitation is the problem.”The four blogs contemplate:

1. Find a facilitator to get unstuck: 
insight #1 was to choose or to find a facilitator, someone who is de-attached enough to see what’s happening, to present the different perspectives and our different truths and hold the space for the conversation to be held. Read about the first insight here.

2. Look at the situation as a process:
Being facilitated we can start looking at situations in our day to day live from a process-view, acknowledging that all levels of your experience are important. The interaction between inner and outer world matters. Read the second insight here.

3. Seeing the situation as a field:
Looking at the process allows us to understand better that there are fields with certain roles and dynamics on the world, community and direct relationship and even different voices, perspectives and roles we hold in ourselves. Trying to be more fluid helps us to get unstuck and to see the others perspective. Read the third insight here

4. Including all perspectives through deep democracy:
The first three insights shared are about expanding our view, understanding that a sustainable path to follow will only be possible if we integrate all perspectives. This is based on a philosophy of deep democracy.
Read the fird insight here including a brief podcast with Gary Reiss on deep democracy from the perspective of process work.