Case: Gotodivers

How can we go deep and go beyond diversity

Guiding question: How can we go deep and beyond diversity?

Context: GoToDivers is a project of the European Commission in the EC-REC program of ‘rights, equality and citizens’. The program’s priority was the inclusion and diversity of refugees and immigrants in the European context. The objective was to increase awareness about the importance of including refugees and migrants on local and European level.

What happened
Using the Go deep game, the SH! FT Foundation and the Go Deep network ran more than 10 community development programs in 6 countries, training professionals and citizens to cooperate in complex social situations.

One central contribution is to demonstrate how we gain through diversity on a community-level and that collective actions involving intergroup collaborations can achieve sustainable change in the quality and number of relationship between individual from different groups and within groups themselves. The project will not only train professionals to replicate the Go Deep game and share intensively stories of change, but will also give a researched guideline of a process that can support many Europeans on how to work better with diversity.

Under Gotodiverse in 2018 and 2019 local programs ran in
– Athens, Greece. 
– Edinburgh, Scotland
– Grotagglie, Italy
– Madrid, Spain 

Campaign: Go Deep and Go Beyond
Through an online and offline campaign we share stories of change, providing support guidelines related to development in the context of adversity and diversity for Europeans.

The foundation hosted the Go Deep Open House Festival and the Go Deep & Go Beyond campaign

What shifted?
In the process of this program we had two very considerate shifts. The programs on local level yielded very strong results in how residents started relating to eachother beyond the pre-conceptions that they had. In Grotagglie it was the second Go Deep program that took place and young refugees of the first edition took an active role in co-facilitating and co-organizing the program, which was strongly empowering.

On a partnership and campaign level we had a very powerful shift about the polarizing effect of the words inclusion and diversity. Our insight was that if we truly want to be inclusive, how can we also include and involve the diverse point of view of people that are not open to diversity. This shifted our campaign approach and title to Go Deep and Go Beyond: allowing us to explore how can we find a third way that goes beyond a polarizing and excluding starting point. The answer is not straight-forward, it’s a continuous exploration.

Check other SH!FT projects & programs

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